Apple made a bad decision by selling cheaper versions of their expensive products, the result of this bad decision is a loss of profits. Since Apple's products are similar and have the same features, people will always buy the cheaper product because they find that to be a great deal or bargain. An example of this is like the iPad mini which is the cheaper version of the expensive iPad or iPad2.

After watching the movie, Inside the Mind of Google, I feel as though my privacy is in jeopardy everytime I use Google. I feel this way because Google saves all of my searches and my emails, etc and everything can be traced back to me in my name. Also, my privacy can and may be sold to other companies. Google makes money off of my privacy and that is what concerns me the most. Because Google is such a large company and is so popular, i highly doubt that they will take a downfall anytime soon, until another company replaces them. In my mind, i think Google will change the automotive and computer industry for the better, similar to the way Google swept the cell phone industry with Android software.
Ingersoll-Rand dropping their security is compared to the BCG Growth Share Matrix because Ingersoll-Rand's security were "dogs". Their security was the smallest of their business segments . They were a business in a low growth market and didnt have a high market share. Because the security were "dogs" Ingersoll-Rand felt that the best thing to do for the company was to drop their security.

Microsoft is on the verge of failing as a company, they focus way too much on how to improve windows when their real problem is the fact that the keyboard is becoming obsolete. Nowadays people are on the go and are using laptops and tablets instead of desktops. Although Microsoft has made a tablet, they built in a keyboard with it, this is part of Microsoft's problem. People are moving away from keyboards and are now onto touchscreens. Because of Microsoft's large amount of money, i doubt they will fall off the face of the Earth as a company, but they will most definitely lose a large portion of their sales if they don't get with the program and lose the keyboards.