
Cafe Organics is sure to be the next big thing. This restaurant serves delicious, healthy, organic food in a special way that no other restaurant does. In all of our restaurants, we have comfortable dining tables equipped with the latest Android Tablet installed with a software the allows you to browse the menu, order your food, browse the internet and play games while you wait, and then pay the bill after your meal.
An example of product width is a large company such as Nestle. Nestle makes products such as Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal,Cookie Crisp Cereal, Nescafe, Aqua Pod Water, Pure Life Water, and Nesquik.
The product depth of these products are the specific products such as Strawberry and Chocolate flavored Nesquik, as well as Hazelnut, French Vanilla, Dark Roast, Medium Roast and Bold Roast Nescafe Coffee.