Borrowing money by taking cuts from Military, Education, and Entitlements (Medicare/Social Security) only increases the problem of national debt as each new politician takes office and uses this technique. If i was to devise a plan for the United States to address the rising national debt, I would start by increasing taxes on citizens that earn $250k and higher in salary. Also i would make a slight increase in federal and state taxes on electronics and clothing. Then i would decrease the budget cuts from education, medicare as well as the military, by doing this it will help cease the   
Dear Mr. Monroe,

I was absent on the day of class that this blog was assigned, please excuse me from this assignment and this is a reminder for you to give me credit for this.  
    From, Donovan
Architecture, Philosophy or Religious Studies, Anthropology or Archeology, Area Ethnic or Civilization Studies, and Information Systems are the 5 careers that the article identified as the most unwanted. Architecture surprised me the most because I thought that Architects would take pride in what they do, building nice homes,and other things. I think these careers are unwanted or are chosen as an alternative because these professions probably dont earn alot of money or dont have good benefits, or are maybe too difficult or boring. My career choice is an Orthopedic Surgeon or Sports Medicine Physician for professional sports teams, the alternatives for those choices are Physical Therapist and Nurse.
The people born between 1995 and 2010 belong to Generation Z. Generation Z1 people are born between mid 90’s and 2003, Generation Z2 people born between  2004 and 2010. I think the three most important behavioral traits are comfortable with and even dependent on technology; materially satisfied, yet financially conservative; and well educated informed, and environmentally conscious. I find these to be the three most important because we are simply satisfied with materialistic things, we're dependent on technology which makes our lives easier and run alot smoother. and we are also well educated and are fully aware of our surroundings. As a marketer, I would sell and market products on Internet services such as Generation Z and X are alike because they grew up during widespread use  of popular technology, they also dont usually have parents at home when they get home so they are forced to care for themselves, aka latchkey kids.